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For excellent background to the Molotch monograph cited above, see Rotella, C., The World Is Always Coming to an End: Pulling Together and Apart in a Chicago Neighborhood ( Chicago, 2019), 188–91 CrossRef Google Scholar. and Squires, G., ‘ Sherman Park, Milwaukee’, Cityscape, 4 ( 1998), 105–30 Google Scholar. Chloethiel Woodard Smith FAIA in Washington, DC Photos Reviews Based in Washington, ranks in the top 99 of licensed contractors in District of Columbia.

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For further related literature, see, for instance, Goodwin, C., The Oak Park Strategy: Community Control of Racial Change ( Chicago, 1979) Google Scholar Saltman, J., A Fragile Movement: The Struggle for Neighborhood Stabilization ( Westport, CT, 1990) Google Scholar and Valent, E. 5 Perkiss, A., Making Good Neighbors: Civil Rights, Liberalism, and Integration in Postwar Philadelphia ( Ithaca, NY, 2014) CrossRef Google Scholar Palmer, P., Living as Equals: How Three White Communities Struggled to Make Interracial Connections during the Civil Rights Era ( Nashville, 2008), 93– 169 CrossRef Google Scholar Wiese, A., ‘ Neighborhood diversity: social change, ambiguity, and fair housing since 1968’, Journal of Urban Affairs, 17 ( 1995), 107–29 CrossRef Google Scholar Molotch, H.L., Managed Integration: Dilemmas of Doing Good in the City ( Los Angeles, 1972) CrossRef Google Scholar. Born in Peoria, Illinois, in 1910, Chloethiel Woodard Smith was only 12 when she decided to be an architect, simply because she found it fun to see buildings constructed.

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